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Monday, August 4, 2008

My Mommy's Bracelets Giveaway

Giveaway Has Ended....Winner Announced!!!

I have been given the opportunity to give one of my lucky readers a Mommy Keychain from My Mommy Bracelets!!!
Made with a single solid sterling silver oval message bead of your choice,
"bali" style daisy spacers, sterling silver smooth round beads, and sterling
silver findings. Simply attach the closed jump ring to your favorite keyring.
Don't forget to add a personal touch with genuine Swarovski crystal birthstone
The keychain will come with up to 4 dangles!!
To enter, post a comment with how being a mom has changed your life for the better, if you are not a mommy, tell me something nice your mom has done for you. Don't forget to leave your email address for me to contact you when the giveaway has ended!!!
**For Extra Entries**:
*Sign up for my feed (sign up in the box to the left) Leave a separate comment with the email address you used. (make sure you verify the subscription!!!)
*Blog about this giveaway (leave a separate comment)
*add my button to your blog! (leave a separate comment)
~Good Luck!~ Giveaway ends on August 11, 2008 @ 11pm EST



seriously becoming a mom you learn its not a me world but a we or them world...becoming a mom you realize there are alot more things in life that are important like them and what they need

Anonymous said... 2

I see the world from a whole new perspective with my 4 kids. I would keep this bracelet for me.

ginnyswe at gmail . com

Anonymous said... 3

also subscriber

ginnyswe at gmail . com

Anonymous said... 4

Becoming a mom has changed my life in so many ways. I never knew I could have such unconditional love for another person...without my kids, my life would be incomplete!


Anonymous said... 5

I subscribed also!


Anonymous said... 6

My kids are now counted amongst my best friends! And. . they've given me grand-children, the greatest gift of all! *S*

Val8200 said... 7

I love being a mom its the best thing that has happened to me!

Val8200 said... 8

I subscribed too!


Anonymous said... 9

I love being a mom,,me & my kids have been through alot of tough times,,my kids are my life!!


Anonymous said... 10

Becoming a mom increased my capacity for love, patience, understanding, trying new things and even fear. My boys have given me so many breathless moments, I'll never be able to repay them.

Anonymous said... 11

I didn't know what "true" love was until I became a mommy, there is no greater joy, it's one of the best feelings in the world and something you feel with your heart in a very big way, everything revolves around them, they became everything I fight to live for and quite honestly they are the most wonderful accomplishments I have ever had in my life!

Sonya Cocherell said... 12

I know now what real love is. I love my husband dearly but that love is different. My daughter is a part of both of us. That is wonderful

HilLesha O'Nan said... 13

Being a mother has changed me in so many ways. It has given me the definition of what real love is about.

Anonymous said... 14

I blogged about it on my myspace blog!

Anonymous said... 15

I subscribed and confirmed!

Anonymous said... 16

becoming a mom as changed my life so much it isnt funny. I never had my kids (i have 3 of them) i probaly wouldnt be here. I hated my life so much that i have tired to kill my self, cutting, drug overdose. But now that i have my kids it means everything to me, and in my eyes they have saved me from ending my life so soon.

Miss Spoken said... 17

Being a mom is the best thing I could ever do with my life. It's also the hardest thing.

Miss Spoken said... 18

Also subscribed.

Annie1 said... 19


Being a mom has changed my life completely. At times it's worn me down so severely that I think I won't be able to get up, but the kids, with a smile, have given me the energy and the positivity to work through and be the best mom to them. I'm definitely less selfish and more selfless.


Anonymous said... 20

Becoming a mom has changed me greatly. You have to put your kids before yourself. They have made me a better person.


agordon10 said... 21

Really teaches you the meaning of patience

arbrashears said... 22

Being a Mommy has changed me for the better by giving me something and someone to live for - to see life with joy and laughter again. I am so thankful for my daughhters! Thank you for the chance to win!


Anonymous said... 23

My mom has cared for me so much throughout the years and watching friends have their children has showed me how much a mother truly cares for her children.


Anonymous said... 24

Becoming a mom has opened my eyes to a love that is more profound than anything I have ever experienced before. Thanks for the contest

chrisandamyward @ comcast.net

windycindy said... 25

Gorgeous! I would love to win this pretty! I have two wonderful sons and I never knew I could love them so completely and unconditionally. I would die for them, if necessary! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said... 26

Hello, I subscribed to your newsletter! Cindi

samf36 said... 27

How nice! Being a mom made me relize that I do not have to be perfect I just have to love.

Anonymous said... 28

This bracelet is gorgeous and I would actually give it to my husbands stepmother. This is why. I did not have a mother growing up. My mom decided she didnt want to be with me while I was 2. All my life, I was cynical thinking there was no such thing as all this love that everyone kept talking about. Of course I loved my father, I loved my husband but I wasnt in love with anything. Until my daughter was born. I was 21 when I had her and the moment I looked into her face, I realized what true love was. My daughter is 8 now and having had her has changed my world. I love every day more then I did the day before and I realize that there is nothing greater or my satisfying then being a mother.


Gina said... 29

Being a mom has made me appreciate life and grow up.

Blessings Abound said... 30

Becoming a mom has been the greatest thing because of the joys I get to experience every day. Raising my four little ones is an adventure of its own and I like to feel needed. Thanks!

tatertot374 said... 31

Thank you for having this. The best thing about being a mom is watching your children grow and learn. And of course the hugs and kisses are a fantastic bonus.

louiseb130 said... 32

I'd give it to my SIL

Kristie said... 33

I have realized how beautiful life is and not to take anything for granted. When I was 7 months along with my first baby, my husband's 21 year old brother passed away in a car accident. I didn't quite know how my mother-in-law felt until I fell in love with my baby and worried about every little thing that happened to her. I realized how terrible it would be to lose a child and I make sure to cherish every moment I have with both my little ones.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

vboackle said... 34

becoming a mom was so fulfilling and makes me very happy.

Unknown said... 35

I don't know what my life was like before I had my children. They have taught me so much about love and about what is really important, your family. We are due to have our 3rd in December and I couldn't be happier. Thanks for the great giveaway. ecghick@yahoo.com

kygirl said... 36

Being a mom has taught me NOT to be selfish. It has taught me to love unconditionally and to have understanding and frogiveness. I love being a mom. I would give this to my daughternlaw.

Kari said... 37

Being a mom has made me who I am. Everything I do, it's for my three beautiful children.

Anonymous said... 38

I get led into learning and experiencing lift through other's eyes and interests. Wow, whata trip!!!

idahomom said... 39

I never understood until I had a child of my own. Thanks for the chance.

Thrifty and Chic Mom said... 40

Being a mom has made me a better person because now I live for them and there future by my example!

123connie said... 41


LINDALSHOT said... 42

Much less selfish!

Tonya said... 43

Being a mom has made me more patient and less selfish.

Millie said... 44

Becoming a mom changed my life because now when I get my eyes pulled up by two little figers and big slobbery kiss with kids screaming "MOMMY YOU AWAKE?!?" thats a great start of the day.. it makes me relized just how much I am loved and how much they need me... it makes me relize how lucky I am !

Millie said... 45

I also subscribed!

Charlotte said... 46

I'm a stepmom to a 12 year old girl, and that has taught me to look at life through a child's eyes again. :)


Always, Amy said... 47

Wow, do you want me to list all the ways, or just a few? Being a mom has taught me that it is okay to make a mistake, we all do and we all learn from them. It has also taught me to love freely. We could all use some rose colored glasses to see the world. Children take things for what they are instead of making them so much more complex. These are just a few ways, but mostly I have learned how to watch my heart go walking around outside my body!


Uniquely Yours said... 48

Now that I'm a mother I see things differently. For instance I don't speed because I care more for my child than myself. I don't drink when before I drank socially. I want to be the best example for my daughter that I can be. I'm always trying to find ways to get discovered so that I can stay home and raise her possibly homeschool her after nearly ten years as a teacher in public education. I could go on and on, but thanks! Make sure you check out my giveaway for a personalized Princess Bracelet! http://uniquelyyoursbyshay.wordpress.com

Uniquely Yours said... 49

I have your button.

lilaura5 said... 50

I have a whole new perspective on life. Your child really makes you view the whole world differently. She's my angel.

intensev5 said... 51

Being a mom means the world to me --- it is the most important job out there!!! I got my teaching degree and have taught for several years part time but still found it took too much time away from my children. I have recently stepped back from my career to be more at home for my children because I truly believe its the best choice for me and my children. Would love to win this prize!!!!

Anonymous said... 52

My "job" as a mom entails the worst hours, terrible pay and the most demanding clients - but it is THE BEST JOB EVER!!!


Anonymous said... 53

Being a mom has taught me unselfishness to a degree I never thought I was capable. I have been given the gift of raising children and have never taken it for granted. It's a true blessing and I have cherished every moment of it. I have never felt more fulfilled by anything in my life than I have from being a mother.

Anonymous said... 54

I'm also a subscriber.

idahodad7 said... 55

Being a mom has taught me unconditional love.

Anonymous said... 56

I didn't know I could love each of my kids as much as I do. I worry about them, I pray for them, and I love them. I think it's a good job to be a mom. And I love the keychain!

miriama said... 57

It took me outside of myself and look at the world in a different and entirely fresh way. I also have had to step outside of my comfort zone many times being a mom. :)

Anonymous said... 58

Beautiful. Thanks for the chance. Becoming a Mom matured me, I was young with my first and it has also taught me to live everyday as it was my last and love every second of it.


ScottishButterfly said... 59

My little ones make life better no matter what I face its them that bring me such joy. One of the many things I love about my kids is when they say Please, No Thank You with out me telling them too, they are so special to me and they give me reason to go on even though my marraige has had its ups and downs they make it all okay!!

Kristyn Martin said... 60

Becoming a Mom has helped me to become more patient and understanding. It also has helped me to understand what everyone was trying to tell me about the love you feel for your own child. I could never imagine this feeling before I actually became a Mom. It is amazing! I love being a Mommy more than anything in the world! Thanks for the awesome contest!

Kristyn Martin said... 61

i subscribed


kaylee8 said... 62

Being a mom has helped me prioritize what is really important - my kids - and helps me to ignore all the rest of it!

taysmommy said... 63

how pretty!

wow...Since I became a mom I no longer think of me 1st, Tay is ans will always be #1

taysmommy said... 64

buttons on my sidebar!

ScottishButterfly said... 65

I signed up for your feed and I ma posting you on my blog: )~Hugs~

Unknown said... 66

I'm much more relaxed about things. I realize that they are only kids for a short time and that life is too small to sweat the small stuff.

bison61 said... 67

my kids are grown and are wonderful adults, plus they gave me 3 grandchildren

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said... 68

There is no greater gift in this world than a child! I could have a bad day or not feel well and when Samuel smiles it all disappears! I almost lost him three times during my pregnancy and he is a gift from God! I would definitley keep this bracelet for myself as a reminder of how lucky I am!!!!! :)

Anonymous said... 69

Being a mom has changed my life for the better! I always see things through my kids eyes and it makes me smile all the time. I couldn't imagine not having that!

Brn2lisn said... 70

Being a mom has made my life complete. I truly love being a Mom,it is the most rewarding experience I have ever had. What it has done for me is to appreciate the smallest things of this world. The mere words: Mom I love you - just melts my heart. It has given me a bond that I would have never experienced,seeing the world so differently has impacted my life tremendously.

brn2lisn {at} gmail {dot} com

Anonymous said... 71

Being a mom has taught me patience and that things don't have to be perfect - that little one comes first but you have to spend time on you as well!

Thank you!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Anonymous said... 72

Becoming a mom changes everything. I don't even know how to describe it in words. I am a better person because of my boys. I think I learn more from them than the other way around. I love being a mommy!

huddlestonh (at) yahoo dot com

kananee said... 73

I've learned to be more patient and understanding!

lokeelanee (at)netzero(dot)com

D Q said... 74

My son is the best thing that ever happened to me. I would keep it for myself.

pitaharmon said... 75

Life is more fun and meaningful with kids. I LOVE to play with them (thats why my house isn't as clean as it should be, I play too much). The joy they bring me really cannot be described in words. All you moms know what I mean.

dhunt said... 76

love being a mom its the best thing that has happened to me!

Anonymous said... 77

I've learned to get along with my family better now that I am about to have one of my own.


Anonymous said... 78

I love being a mom its the best thing that has happened to me!

Anonymous said... 79

I have really learned to slow down and take the time to appreciate my kids and the world that they live in.

Anonymous said... 80

My son and daughter have taught me so much about how much the world has changed. The love and laughter and memories we have gave to each other are beyond replacable.

Erica G said... 81

Being a Mom has brought me closer to my own mother. It also taught me patience and unconditional love.

calgirl said... 82

I have learned to enjoy the little accomplishments in life. A cup of tea in the afternoon or a story told to a sleepy child or my dog rubbing my hair after I've conditioned it. Enjoy every little moment because they are soon gone.

ms-texas said... 83

Being a mom is very special! I can't remember what it's like not to be one!


Jinxy and Me said... 84

My mom has done lots of nice things for me. She has always been supportive and encouraging in anything I do.

Bakersdozen said... 85

I have a large family with alot of love going around. I would not have missed this for anything. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Kobi said... 86

Being a mom has been my world. I raised two amazing kids by myself. Being a mom has made me proud and full of love everyday.

Julie said... 87

I am a better person.

Julie said... 88

I subscribed.

Roseann K. said... 89

There's nothing better than being a mother. It's just so rewarding!

klp1965 said... 90

it has made me appreciate the little things in life :)

MassFoodie said... 91

I would give my life for this little girl who loves me unconditionally. She has made me a happier and more peaceful person. Children make you "stop and smell the roses". When I see my toddler stop and smell our hydrangeas each day I crack up, and tear up.

noreen said... 92

I am more patient and

Anonymous said... 93

Becoming a mom has enabled me to realize what is most important in the world. Its family, friend and love instead of the Rat Race. garrettsambo@aol.com

kat said... 94

I am a 55 year old mom with 2 grown children and 4 grangchildren and I have learned so much being a first time mom and now grandmom.I raised my last child alone and I am so proud of my children and what they have become. It very important to hear what your children wants in life and do the best that you can to provide for them. my kids are my life and my grandchildren are the future. I would love to win. Thank you!

justicecw said... 95

Being a mom has taught me the real meaning of patience. thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com

julie said... 96

I now know what it means to love unconditionally
3beez at bellsouth dot net

Anonymous said... 97

My kids are grown now and I truly believe that I may not be here without them. I was moving in a wild direction, but when I had my first child everything changed and being a mother overrode thoughts of doing anything else. I couldn't imagine my life without them.

hammielover1 said... 98

Being a mom has changed my life for the better because it has helped me forget all the pain that I have gone through in the past and helped me to focus on a brighter future.

joannaonthelake said... 99

Being a mother of 3 young children has given me the motivation to always put my best foot forward, to give me the power to believe I can achieve anything in life I set my mind to, it has given me the strength to overcome obstacles that cross my path. Being a Mother makes me feel almost Super Woman like because I want to be the best role model I can possibly be for my children. I want them to be all these things, so I have to demonstrate to them it is all possible. Being a Mother has also made me feel more Love that I ever thought was possible, and never knew existed within me.

Princess Golden Hair said... 100

having children has actually taught me to value the little things. i learned not to worry about the stains when little hands reach out for a hug. I've learned that patience is more than a virtue it's a necessity. Finally i learned that you really don't need as many hours of sleep as you once thought

Anonymous said... 101

Becoming a mom has shown me that the getting your own way and being the center of your universe isn't what life is all about. Now I understand everything my parents said when I was growing up. The trick is to let them grow up without losing your mind!
Thank you for the contest!

Charlene Kuser said... 102

Being a mom has taught me how to
love without boundaries and care
for others.It hs also taught me
hope.That when things look bleak
keep going and things will get
better.Most of all it has taught
me how to be a child again,to
laugh and play no matter how old you get.I love being a Mom!


Suzie Williams said... 103

Being a mom has changed my life for the better because it's helped me find a purpose to life. Before I had children I was going to college taking classes but had no idea what kind of degree I wanted. In all honesty, I didn't even want a degree then... I went to please my parents. Now that I'm a stay at home mom to two children, I finally feel like my life is going somewhere and I've realized that I'd like to possibly become a nurse in L&D or a lactation consultant.

mrstrooper said... 104

I love being a mom...you see the whole totally different.

lilyk said... 105

I'm not a mom but something nice my mom did was get a cute little radio for me.

lilyk said... 106

I subscribed to your feed.

jodene said... 107

My daughter makes me smile everyday and that's something! She also makes me see the world completely differently!

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 108

being a mom makes me stop and see life new and fresh everyday.

Donna said... 109

My kids definately keep me humble.

Donna said... 110

I subscribed.

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