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Bear With Me

I'm working and working on reviews and giveaways that need done. I have a lot of stuff going on at home with the kids' and their school with meetings. Please be patient and know that I'm not gone. Please keep checking back for new stuff!

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Still Hard

I just had to drop Jaylin off at school, there was no bus this morning. That was really hard for me. She kept giving me hugs, and kisses and didn't want me to leave. The teacher said she's doing better, still crying once in awhile for "baby" but that's an easy fix since baby is always in her backpack. I walked out of the classroom and I looked back, Jaylin had the saddest face, I felt horrible for leaving her there. She looked so helpless, I just wanted to snatch her up and run out the door with her, bring her home and cuddle!

I sucked it up, and left...now I'm here watching my baby sit in his walker and giggle for no reason...I love my kids! They are awesome!


Michelle said... 1

Love spontaneous giggles! Yeah Jaxon Sorry to hear it's still hard. Hopefully it will get easier really soon. Hang in there!

dor said... 2

I remember that. It gets better. In the meantime...why don't you enter and win some ageless purfume...copy and paste the following http://stacievaughansblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/ageless-anti-age-perfume-review.html

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Rebecca Harber said... 3

Awww I know how you feel girl. I'm finally stopping by to say hello for MBC. Thanks for following my blog. I finally got around to updating after several months. I look forward to getting to know you.


I am so lucky that none of my 4 kids went through this and consequently, neither did I. But as a former teacher I can tell you it's gonna get better and when it does that little girl will feel so proud of herself 'cause she's mommy's "big girl"! Blessings, my friend!

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