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I'm working and working on reviews and giveaways that need done. I have a lot of stuff going on at home with the kids' and their school with meetings. Please be patient and know that I'm not gone. Please keep checking back for new stuff!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Left with 3, come home with 1

That's how it was this morning. Jaylin was so excited to go to school this morning. We got dressed and I packed her extra clothes in her backpack, I snagged my camera and we were out the door. I got Jeffery and Jaylin out of the van before the bus got there so I could snap a few pictures, Jaylin was just too into looking for the bus but I got a few good ones.
Can you belive that this pretty little girl isn't quite 3 years old yet?!?!!?
My big kids! They both grew up too quick.
Getting on the bus, she couldn't go fast enough!
While I was trying to put her "baby" in her backpack, she slid right out of it so she could finish getting on the bus. The bus driver is the mom of one of Jeffery's classmates last year, she got Jaylin to turn around for this picture.
Ok, I did cry, but not infront of Jaylin. I waited until I was driving back home. I did cuddle Jaxon extra this morning, I whispered in his ear "never grow up, stay this size forever" If it wasn't for Jaxon today, I would be going out of my mind. I'm used to hearing Jaylin yell "mommy" all day just for the heck of it, I'm used to her just randomly coming and giving me hugs and kisses.
When I fell back to sleep this morning when Jaxon went back to sleep, I put both my cell phone and the house phone next to my pillow so I would hear the phone ring if the teacher needed to call me. It's 2pm, and no call. That means that Jaylin has made it through the day, she'll be back on the bus in a half hour. It also means mommy has made it through day 1.


Unknown said... 1

Aww! They sure do grow way too fast don't they!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said... 2

Oh how precious! I'm glad you shared this milestone with us ... hold onto Jaxon tight! :)

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said... 3

I know it's hard to let them go - I always had a hard time with it too. Enjoy the baby while you can!

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