Bear With Me
I'm working and working on reviews and giveaways that need done. I have a lot of stuff going on at home with the kids' and their school with meetings. Please be patient and know that I'm not gone. Please keep checking back for new stuff!

Here is my 3rd Monday Mingle! Check out Eighty MPH Mom's blog to find questions for this week and next! Sorry I forgot last week!
Thanks for watching!
I'm sure she'll keep getting better and better with school :)
LOL kids are so cute around babies :D I love it.
I'm sure Jeff didn't like your dream much ;)
We don't have a Country Cooking around here... hmm :( *pout*
Ick, I don't like that LOL. It's funky, whatever its called :D
Hi Jackie!
Thanks for being a faithful mingler! I loved hearing the stories about your kids - they are so cute...I always crack up at the things they say.
That is pretty cool what you can do with your hand is always fun to creep people out with the weird things...
Thanks for mingling - see you next Monday!
I immediately pictured Marc having twins and it made me laugh so hard. Poor Jeff! I bet he hurt just thinking about it.
That was so nice that the teachers allowed her to bring her baby and I hope it will get better as the days go on.
Oh yea I remember you talking about your dad the week before!
Can you believe I've never had steak and potatoes? lol I should try it.
I hope your itching will go away or just get the hubs to do the work :)
Have a fun week!
Too cute!! Kids are so funny when they get around babies. I know Grant lost his little mind with the twins.
Too good sister...REMEMBER! LOL
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