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I'm working and working on reviews and giveaways that need done. I have a lot of stuff going on at home with the kids' and their school with meetings. Please be patient and know that I'm not gone. Please keep checking back for new stuff!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Early Morning Baby Love

Here it is 8am, Jaxon and I just got home from dropping Jeffery and Jaylin off at the bus stop. Now we're laying on my bed and it's so peaceful, relaxing, and joyus. I check my email, look over at Jaxon who is staring at his hands and fingers in curiousity...watching as he learns he can move them...still jerky, but he's getting it. Then when he notices I'm watching him, he gives me this big ole gummy grin of his and I love it! After a few minutes of baby talk and giggling (from both of us lol) I go back to checking emails and checking updates on other blogs, and we do it all over again. I love to watch him explore his hands...he's figuring out what they can do, he loves to grab his toes and just hold them. Which brings me to new pictures..remember in another post that Jaxon can now suck his thumb, but my dumb preflash scared him so I couldn't get a picture of him....well guess what!

He's such a cutie!
He's smiling at Daddy beside me.
The preflash kinda scared him, hence the big eyes lol.

I love this time with just me and him. And now, he's getting cranky, time to feed him and we're going to go back to sleep for awhile!


Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said... 1

Oh Jackie - those are the most adorable pictures!! He really is growing. I love that smile - it really does melt the heart, doesn't it?? Your moments together are priceless...enjoy!


oh, how beautiful. Brings back so many memories!

Corie said... 3

what a gorgeous baby boy and love the pics! sooooooooooo cute!

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