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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

MY own Nursery Rhyme

Litte Miss Jaylin sat on her Tuffet
Eating her Cheerios and poptarts
Along came her brother
And sat down beside her
And scared litte Miss Jaylin away


Ok, so im not good at rhyming, but cute huh? Whats even cuter is the real Tuffet Jaylin has! What is a Tuffet?? A Tuffet is this adorable "cushion" designed at first by a mom for her baby. She was tired of putting pillows around her baby who was learning to sit up (I can sooooo relate!!!) Now, as you know Jaylin is far from a baby, but older children can use it also. Jeffery has a Cars couch that is "HIS" and he wouldnt let Jaylin sit on it, well we were thinking of getting Jaylin a Princess couch when I come across the Tuffet. Now Jaylin has her seat and Jeffery has his!!! Check out how cute Jaylin looks sitting on her Tuffet!



She loves the Tuffet!!! Ok, let me tell you exactly what a Tuffet is, its sort of like a "bean bag" chair, but its flat, it has 2 handles on it for easy carry (Jaylin loves that!) and it has 2 pockets on the top for storing toys (or diapers if using for a baby) The great thing about the Tuffet, is that its flat, so when we get more I can just stack them in the corner at the end of the day!! Now you are probably thinking "well that has to be hard to clean" nope...not at all, actually as soon as I got it out of the box Jaylin come over with a drink and spilled it on the Tuffet (we have the microsued type, they come in microsuede, denim, corduroy and twill)...I quickly grabbed a wet papertowel and wiped it up, come right up! Now you can never tell anything was ever spilled on it (even now, when Jaylin uses it on a daily basis and spills on it constantly). They also come in 2 sizes, small 30" and large 36", both are 5" thick. We have the 30" and its perfect!!! If you think you need more filling, you can purchase a 24" bean pack ($36)

Another great thing is there are sooooo many different fabric choices, you can coordinate with your furniture! And if later on you change it, you can always buy a new cover for your Tuffet!!!

Ok, the Tuffet isnt just for babies/kids....TRUST ME! One night I was sitting here on the computer (on the couch) and Jeff comes and sits infront of me to play the Wii...well when I got up I noticed he had moved the Tuffet there and was using it!! So all you wives of gamers, this is great for them too!!!!

Ok...MadeByAMom (the company that makes the Tuffet) wants to give one of my lucky readers a $50 Gift Certificate towards a Tuffet, all you will have to do is pay the difference and shipping (Tuffets start at $69.00)

To enter, go to MadeByAMoms site and then come back here and tell me which color choice you like best for the Tuffet. Dont forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!

~~Extra Entries~~

*Sign up for my feed (put your email in the box on the left side of my blog, dont forget to verify!)

*Post about this giveaway on your blog (leave me the link in a separate comment)

*Post my button on your blog (if you have it already, let me know)

*For non bloggers and bloggers alike....send an email to 5 of your friends (put my email as the 6th jackiesthoughts (at) rocketmail (dot) com)

Giveaway will end on August 29th @ 11pm EST!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!


Jenn S. said... 1

What a great idea. I can see the whole family using it in various ways. My favorite is the microsuede tuffet in cinnabar passion.


really this is very nice- I can see many uses for this- cinnabar is my fav too

Stephanie said... 3

love the microsuade in black
tvollowitz at aol dot com

arbrashears said... 4

How fun! Would definitely be well loved and used in our home! My favorite is the Microsuede Moss Passion Cover.


Anonymous said... 5

Corduroy Tuffet is apple green would be great. I know this family would get alot of use out of a tuffet.

JennyG said... 6

I like the moss passion microsuede tuffet!


Unknown said... 7

I love the Brown Microsuede Tuffet..so cute. Your daughter is adorable. Thank you for the opportunity!


Anonymous said... 8

I'd like it in the black microsuede.

Anonymous said... 9

I would definately go with the "Tan Twill Tuffet" (say that five times fast :P). This looks great! I love when items grow with children, nothing is more painful than spending a good chunk of your free cash, only to realize that your baby has outgrown it a few months later.

Unknown said... 10

Love the Pink Camouflage Twill cover.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 11

My favorite color is the tan.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 12

Your button is on my blog.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... 13

Tried to sign up via e-mail and it would not let me?

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... 14

Microsuede Tuffet in Sky Passion is my favorite. What a neat idea.

idahomom said... 15

Pink Camofluage Twill

Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said... 16

I like the courduroy tuffet.

Maude Lynn said... 17

I need that Pink Camo Tuffet!

Anonymous said... 18

I love that camo one!! It is really cute!

louiseb130 said... 19

I like the black microsuede

EG said... 20

I love this idea! I like red canvas the best.

Some (unsolicited) feedback: your blog is really hard to read because of the light font color and the patterned background.

Thanks for the giveaway!
ellengraf (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said... 21

I love this!! Both kids could enjoy these!!! I really like the courdory in baby blue and Pink..


Anonymous said... 22

What an awesome idea! My boys would love using this while playing playstation too, much more comfortable than the floor. I love the camo one!!


Julie said... 23

I love the royal blue twill! I've had my eye on one of these for a while!

redron said... 24

Pink Camofluage Twill

sunnymum said... 25

I like the twill tuffet in light blue. The microsuade tuffets all look like heaven to sit upon too!
cbeargie at yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said... 26

I like the microsuede in the chocolate brown color!

Anonymous said... 27

I'm signed up for your feed.

LINDALSHOT said... 28

Pink camoflauge

Uniquely Yours said... 29

I love the microsuede in chocolate brown the best!

Uniquely Yours said... 30

I subscribed to your blog.

Blessings Abound said... 31

I really like the cinnabar microsuede for my learning to sit up babe! Thanks!


Blessings Abound said... 32

Your button is on my blog.:)


Melissa said... 33

microsuede in burgandy. thanks, this will be perfect for my duo.
verypissedoff at verizon dot net

judybrittle said... 34

I would really love the microsuede in black. I would love to own one of these. Thank you so much!

llinda29 said... 35

Tan Twill Tuffet is my choice

Anonymous said... 36

I like the idea of the tuffett, great product
I like all the microsuede colors , but I like blue best

Jessica-MomForHim said... 37

I'd like the sage tuffet!

vboackle said... 38

i like the black microsuede.

noreen said... 39

the pink cordory and the moss passion microsuede are my favorites

mogrill said... 40

Love the Corduroy Tuffet is apple green!

intensev5 said... 41

My son would love one of these in his room. I like the denim one best!!! Thanks

Teresa690 said... 42

My favorite is the Microsuede Camel Passion Tuffet! We would LOVE one of these! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cjnedrow said... 43

I would love to have one in black microsuede!!

Trish said... 44

My daughter would love this! I like the brown microsuede tuffet! thanks for the chance to win! cutiecoversnmore(at)yahoo(dot)com

Trish said... 45

I posted about this on my site at sweetnsassygirls.blogspot.com

Unknown said... 46

I like the Tan Twill Tuffet the best.

Jodi said... 47

My favorite is the black twill tuffet.


madangle said... 48

love the tan or the camo

jodene said... 49

I love the Corduroy Tuffet in 36" - my daughter would love it!

Anonymous said... 50

The Camo one is my pick

Anonymous said... 51

love the microsuade in black. Thanks

kaylee8 said... 52

I would choose the blue tuffet in the microsuede!

Anonymous said... 53

the camoflage twill would be my choice

Ambre Winfield said... 54

Black Microsuede would be my first choice.

Anonymous said... 55

This would be great for Little Miss Lilly, my granddaughter. Black microsuede would be my favorite.

jwright at iowatelecom dot net

Anonymous said... 56

My favorite color is the Sky Passion Microsuede :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


Stacy said... 57

The courduroy one looks really cute.


Anonymous said... 58

I blogged about the giveaway for an extra entry:



Anonymous said... 59

Your button is in my sidebar for an extra entry:



Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said... 60

Daddy says he likes the Pink Camo for the Princess! This looks awesome.

stormraven at gmail dot com

Jinxy and Me said... 61

What a neat idea! I like the brown microsuede best.

Candes said... 62

Pink would match my interior. :) Thanx :)

Samantha P said... 63

i love the Microsuede Tuffet in green!

Patti said... 64

VERY nice and I could see alot of uses for it! I would love the Cinnabar Tuffet

SeahorseLady said... 65

I like the black microsuede as well as the denim ones. Thank you for the nice giveaway.

ldrnc2000 said... 66

Great idea! My kid would love a tuffet! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

klp1965 said... 67

the Sky Passion is cute

Anonymous said... 68

the microsuede in green for sure

Helen said... 69

I like the pink Corduroy Tuffet

Donna said... 70

I like the Twill Tuffet ( green camo)

Donna said... 71

I subscribed

Donna said... 72

I put your button on my blog

masonsgranny59 said... 73

Sky Passion is cute

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