I'm searching for something, and it's only sold in Canada...I was told by an acquaintance of mine that they existed when we were discussing the difference in food between U.S. and Canada (Smarties here are called Rockets there, and Smarties there are like M & Ms) and one lady mentioned Rotisserie Chicken Potato Chips! Just the mention of them made my mouth water! I googled it, and they are Lay's brand, here is the only picture I can find online of them.
Some people say they aren't sold in their province, so I'm not sure where they are sold at up there. I am looking for someone who can buy me a bag or 2 and ship to me (I'll happily pay for the chips and shipping)
I was really surprised at how different the U.S. is from Canada, I mean, we're right next to each other, attached! I never heard of milk in bags...and apparently in some places in Canada that's what they do. Another thing is Poutine? I've seen pictures and it looks gross. But the one thing I want to try is these chips! Please help me!!!!
Yeah that's how it is in England. Check out Walker's Crisps http://www.walkers-crisps.co.uk/#/our-range/walkers-crisps and they just added 15 new flavors that are out of this world http://www.walkers-crisps.co.uk/flavourcup/#/?from=button I had so much fun over there just grocery shopping! I hope somebody sends you your chips and maybe throws in some other cool food items!
Shipping two bags of chips will probably cost you at least $20 to the states - it's based on volume, not weight, so it will be expensive. The chips themselves are about $3 each unless they're on sale 2 for $5 (plus 13% tax). Are you sure it's worth $30 to try them?
Poutine, by the way, is SO DELICIOUS. Don't go by pictures because it does look kind of gross. But the flavour is amazing. And yes, we get milk in bags here :)
Mmmmmmmm, poutine!
I wish there was a way for me to send you some of that!!!
Love the stuff!
I got an idea - hit up Lays PR with your promotional magic. Ya never know?
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