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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exergen Temporal Scanner (review/giveaway)

Flu season is fast approaching, which means pull those thermometers out of the medicine cabinets. I've been using those digital thermometers that go under the arm, under the tounge, or in desperate measures...in the bum (yes, we have a different one for each area lol)...yuck! Jaylin has been my sick child, she's had so many ear infections, sinus infections and fevers it just isn't funny anymore...she hates her temperature taken.

I was sent the Exergen Temporal Scanner to review. I was so thrilled that Jaylin LET me take her temperature, of course she wasn't really sick and I was just playing around with it. But it was a lot easier than holding her arm down so I could keep a thermometer in her armpit while she's screaming and having a tantrum about it for a minute! Took less than 30seconds to do!
The TemporalScanner Thermometer has been clinically tested for accuracy compared to rectal thermometers and temperature sensors inserted in the heart during course of patient treatment and accepted for use in major hospitals, making it the ideal thermometer for use with newborns, infants, children or adults.
It's easy to use too, just put the Exergen Temporal Scanner in the middle of the forehead, push the button then rub across to the temple then let go of the button...bam! You got the temperature! Easy, right?

The Giveaway: I have been given the great opportunity to give away an Exergen Temporal Scanner to one of my lucky readers!

Main Entry: Visit Exergen's site, then come back here and comment with a fact that I haven't mentioned above.

Extra Entries: (Leave a seperate comment for each entry)
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  • Become a fan of Monkey Mayhem on Facebook (button on my left sidebar)

Giveaway will end on September 24 @ 11pm EST


Kelly said... 1

It scans like a video camera finding the highest temp that it senses. I think this is so cool because my 8 month old has been sick alot lately, and while I want an accurate temp, I hate doing rectal temps!!

Kelly said... 2

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tawndam said... 3

these are so easy to use! If you have difficulty getting a temp by sliding across the forehead, you can get a reading under the earlobe on that artery... very helpful if you just can't get a sliding temp and it's still non-invasive!

tawndam said... 4

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tawndam said... 5

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*Kim* said... 6

The best place to measure temperature is the center of the heart, but since this can only be done with doctors supervision (or by a doctor), this thermometer is designed to measure the temperature of the skin surface over the temporal artery, a major artery of the head.


*Kim* said... 7

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flowerchild said... 8

if you can't get a temp sliding over the forehead you can put it behind the earlobe.

Anonymous said... 9

As you gently stroke the thermometer across the forehead crossing over the temporal artery, the sensor in its probe performs two processes:
First it scans like a video camera, capturing naturally emitted infrared heat from the arterial blood supply at about 1000 “frames” per second, locking in the highest temperature it senses and;
Second, at the same time, a patented system measures the ambient temperature of the site where the temperature is being taken. The patented "arterial heat balance" (AHB) software then synthesizes the two separate readings to accurately determine and display body temperature.


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Anonymous said... 10

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Anonymous said... 11

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Anonymous said... 12

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Carol W. said... 13

I found out that the Exergen Temporal Scanner is now available at Target Stores.


Carol W. said... 14

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Kim said... 15

learned it is available at Wal-Mart, Babies R' Us, www.babiesrus.com, Walgreens, www.walgreens.com, Toy's R' Us, www.costco.com, and www.baby.com presently.

Unknown said... 16

I learned that ambient temperature affects the skin temperature, and so the thermometer automatically measures the ambient temperature at the very same time it is measuring the temperature over the temporal artery. It then can calculate any heat loss (in a normal or cold room) or gain (in a hot room), and instantly computes an accurate body temperature. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Unknown said... 17

follow u on twitter. 1amypugmire. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Unknown said... 18

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Unknown said... 19

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Unknown said... 20

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Unknown said... 21

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itsme said... 22

it scans the teporal artery in the head which gives a real accurate measurement

itsme said... 23

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4068017474 tweeted

itsme said... 24

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itsme said... 27

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grndbaygal said... 29

Temporal artery temperature is not affected by the things that cause oral and underarm temperatures to be misleading.

Pat said... 30

You can buy the Exergen Temporal Scanner at Walmart.
pkildow at gmail dot com

karenmed409 said... 31

Just ask your pediatrician for your TAT-2000C Educational Pamphlet which includes a $5.00 (mail-in) rebate coupon good toward your purchase of a TAT-2000C ComfortSCANNER™ or TemporalScanner™ Temporal Artery Thermometer.

If your pediatrician has run out of TAT-2000C Educational Pamphlets, just click here or on the image of the pamphlet to the left and download a full copy, including the rebate coupon.

karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said... 32

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Unknown said... 37

tweet on 9/18. amsbolda@hotmail.com

itsme said... 38

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4093402079 daily tweet

Dawn said... 39

I found out that the scanner is available at my local Target store.

itsme said... 40

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4114999304 daily tweet

idahomom said... 41

non invasive

jlmk said... 42

The thermometer is designed to measure the temperature of the skin surface over the temporal artery, which is the best method at home.


can be found at walart or walgreens

Sarah said... 44

According to a Harvard study, this Temporal Scanner is more accurate than ear thermometers.

Sarah said... 45

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Linda Kish said... 51

It is more accurate than ear temperature because positioning in the ear canal is inconsistent creating inconsistent temperatures and missed fevers.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said... 52

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lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 53

I learned that one of the places I can buy this is at Walgreens.

Anonymous said... 54

I am following on Twitter: rhoneygee

noreen said... 55

available at Target

noreen said... 56

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Wendy said... 57

I learned that the temporal artery is connected to the heart via the carotid artery, directly leading from the aorta, the main trunk of the arterial system.

bear101 at hotmail dot com

Mysharona said... 58

If you can't get a temp sliding over the forehead you can put it behind the earlobe.

mverno said... 59

scans like a video camera mverno@roadrunner.com

Sue E said... 60

Measure only the side of the head that is exposed. Any covering, hair, hat, etc. will prevent the heat from dissipating, and would cause the reading to be falsely high. This also applies if one side of the head is into a pillow. Thanks!


Marjorie White said... 61

You can get a reading of the temporal artery.

Joannie said... 62

You can use the thermometer even when your child is asleep!!
hi_joan_elliott at hotmail dot com

Metal Momma said... 63

if you can't get a reading from the forehead, you can get one from behind the earlobe

Anonymous said... 64

Non-Invasive Temporal Artery Scanner Features Silver Antimicrobial Head

Jennifer M said... 65

If you cant get the temperature from the forehead you can go behind the earlobe.


Unknown said... 66

tweet on 9/20. amsbolda@hotmail.com

karenmed409 said... 67

tweet for today

karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said... 68

Why is it more accurate than ear temperature?
A major reason ear thermometers are considered inaccurate by medical professionals is because the positioning of the probe in the ear canal is inconsistent, thus creating inconsistent readings and frequently missing fevers. The temporal artery thermometer scans the forehead area for the temporal artery and it is almost impossible to miss the artery during a scan. Also, the person whose temperature is being taken does not like something inserted in their ear, making good positioning even more difficult. The gentle scan across the forehead is comfortable and not objectionable. The TemporalScanner has been proven more accurate than ear thermometers by a Harvard Medical School study.

autumn398 @yahoo.com

Heidi Gail said... 69

The thermometer also measures the ambient temperature to help get the most accurate reading.

Erica C. said... 70

It's available at Walgreens, yah!

Anonymous said... 71

I learned that When you use it on the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate.


itsme said... 72

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4130962569 daily tweet

Daniel M said... 73

if you can't get a reading from the forehead try behind the ear - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

clc408 said... 74

They factor in ambient room temperature for an accurate reading.

Let's Just Give It Away said... 75

First it scans like a video camera, capturing naturally emitted infrared heat from the arterial blood supply at about 1000 “frames” per second, locking in the highest temperature it senses.


Let's Just Give It Away said... 76

I subscribe.

Sarah said... 77

Daily Tweet:

turboterp said... 78

I can buy the Exergen Temporal Scanner at Costco!


yyeres said... 79

I learned that according to a Harvard study, this Temporal Scanner is more accurate than ear thermometers. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)com

itsme said... 80

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4155446293 daily tweet

Anonymous said... 81

I learned that: The temporal artery is connected to the heart via the carotid artery, directly leading from the aorta, the main trunk of the arterial system. It offers constant blood flow. It is the only such artery positioned close enough to the skin surface to provide access needed to take an accurate measurement.

jlafount said... 82

1000 scans a second

Spamgirl said... 83


You can get a temperature under the earlobe if the temple doesn't work.

Thank you!

Spamgirl said... 84


I'm a follower on Twitter. :) antispamgirl

Thank you!

Spamgirl said... 85
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aimee said... 86

It scans the temporal artery in the head which gives a real accurate measurement.


Aimee said... 87

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Spamgirl said... 88


Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/4163002603

Thank you!

Aimee said... 89

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Spamgirl said... 90


I'm a follower on Blogger/Google Friend as spamgirl. :) Thank you!

Spamgirl said... 91


I blogged your contest! http://www.cancontests.com/2009/09/contests-from-elsewhere-win-exergen.html

Thank you!

Spamgirl said... 92


I faved you on Technorati - Spamgirl. Thank you!

Aimee said... 93



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heaventrees said... 96

The AHB software synthesizes two separate readings to accurately determine and display body temperature.

Unknown said... 97

tweeted. amsbolda@hotmail.com

itsme said... 98

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4174669608 daily tweet

Anonymous said... 99

A patented system measures the ambient temperature of the site where the temperature is being taken.

Spamgirl said... 100


Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/4295139125

Thank you!

Unknown said... 101

tweet on 9/22. amsbolda@hotmail.com

camper223 said... 102

With a gentle stroke of the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate. With its patented Arterial Heat Balance system

Thank you so very very much


camper223 said... 103

I follow Monkey_Mayhem on twitter

Thank you so very very much


camper223 said... 104

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Thank you so very very much


camper223 said... 105

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Thank you so very very much


camper223 said... 106

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Thank you so very very much


takisha a. said... 107

The TemporalScanner Thermometer has been clinically tested for accuracy compared to rectal thermometers and temperature sensors inserted in the heart during course of patient treatment and accepted for use in major hospitals, making it the ideal thermometer for use with newborns, infants, children or adults.


Sarah said... 108

Daily Tweet:

Ellen C. said... 109

I learned that I can buy it at Walmart and Babies R Us. Thanks for the chance.

sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

Jeanine said... 110

With a gentle stroke of the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate.

Jeanine said... 111

button nook-o-neen.blogspot.com

Spamgirl said... 112


Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/status/4315750585

Thank you!

karenmed409 said... 113

tweet http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/4317111134
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Sarah said... 114

Daily Tweet:

itsme said... 115

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4320822147 daily tweet

ali said... 116

This measures the temperature over the temporal artery in the head.

Thank you! This would be a great gift for the parents of the baby I am carrying. :D atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net

Chris said... 117

Here's another good blog offering a chance to win an Exergen Temporal Scanner Thermometer: http://www.fivehens.com/exergen-giveaway/

Dawn Reid said... 118

if you can't get a temp sliding over the forehead you can put it behind the earlobe

Unknown said... 119

tweet on 9/23. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Unknown said... 120

30% of hospitals use this.

Unknown said... 121

Twitter follower - bridget3420

Unknown said... 122



Unknown said... 123

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Unknown said... 124

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Hotsnotty2 said... 125

I learned that you can get a temperature by sliding across it the forehead or under the earlobe on that artery. Thanks!


chazvgo said... 126

The temporal artery thermometer scans the forehead area for the temporal artery and it is almost impossible to miss the artery during a scan

taylorbagels said... 127

It gives out 1000 scans a second


taylorbagels said... 128

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Roxann said... 132

According to a Harvard study, this Temporal Scanner is more accurate than ear thermometers.

Roxann said... 133

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AmyLynn said... 137

I learned: With a gentle stroke of the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate.

AmyLynn said... 138

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AmyLynn said... 144

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Belinda M said... 145

I learned the exergen scanner is available at Wal-Mart and Babies R'Us

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Belinda M said... 146



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Anonymous said... 147

The corporation was founded by Harvard-research scientist .Dr. Francesco Pompei over two decades ago

Anonymous said... 148

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Anonymous said... 149



Anonymous said... 150

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Anonymous said... 151

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ardy22 at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said... 152

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rich hicks

Anonymous said... 153

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Spamgirl said... 154


Tweeted! :) http://twitter.com/antispamgirl/statuses/4341780487

Thank you!

Sheila Hickmon said... 155

I learned that thermometer is designed to measure the temperature of the skin surface over the temporal artery.
Thanks for the chance!

Sheila Hickmon said... 156




Sheila Hickmon said... 157

I'm a fan on facebook now! Sheila H.


Anonymous said... 158

Exergen Corporation's patented
TemporalScanner(TM) Thermometer was selected by nurses as the 2009 Most
Valuable Product in the annual survey by Therapy Times

Thanks so much for the offering.

Anonymous said... 159

I follow you on Twitter as nanatothree

lilbabypug said... 160

I didn't know you could use it behind the earlobe if needed. how handy is that?

lilbabypug said... 161

I didn't know you could use it behind the earlobe if needed. how handy is that?

djgroz said... 162

The TemporalScanner has patented software, providing arterial heat balance. This unique process determines temperature by accurately measuring the balance between the tissues warming from arterial blood and tissues cooling (warming) caused by heat loss (gain) to the environment.
Thanks for the chance to win a Prize!

Becky said... 163

IT's non-invasive and you can scan under the earlobe.

Tim Hughes said... 164

You can use the thermometer even when your kids are sleeping.

Candie L said... 165

This is what it measures; measures ambient temperatures, mathematically replaces the small temperature loss from cooling at the skin, and displays an accurate arterial temperature. . Thankyou


Amy delong said... 166

I never thought you could take the tempature under earlobe on that artery!


selinda_mccumbers said... 167

I didn't know that you can get a reading under the earlobe on that artery if you couldn't get it to scan right. This will be useful for when my son is asleep!

Unknown said... 168

tweet on 9/24. amsbolda@hotmail.com

Sarah said... 169

Daily Tweet:

js22 said... 170

Arterial temperature is the same temperature as the blood flowing from the heart. It is the best determinate of body temperature.

email in blogger profile.

js22 said... 171

i follow on twitter - js22222222 .
LOL, and RTed the rubicks touch cube tweet u had just tweeted, LOL!

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js22 said... 172

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itsme said... 175

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susansmoaks said... 176

July, 2009 – Nurses Choose Exergen TemporalScanner Thermometer as 'Most Valuable Product' in Annual Industry Survey

susansmoaks said... 177


susansmoaks said... 178

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susansmoaks said... 179

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tony l smoaks


Found to be indispensable for pediatric practice use in a recent
2300 patient study!




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disneyfanheather said... 183

It captures naturally emitted infrared heat from the arterial blood supply at about 1000 “frames” per second, locking in the highest temperature it senses!


I subscribe!


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lilyk said... 187

I learned that the company is located in Watertown, Massachusetts.

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msjazzyfresh said... 192

I had no idea that the best place to measure temp is on the chest [center of the heart]. interesting!

msjazzyfresh said... 193

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msjazzyfresh said... 194

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Marinalane said... 195

"Arterial temperature (which is what this measures, ) is the same temperature as the blood flowing from the heart. It is the best determinate of body temperature." lanemarinab@aol.com

Marinalane said... 196

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