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Monday, September 14, 2009

Internet Password Orgaizer (review/giveaway)

I have a lot of websites that need usernames and passwords, and while usually I use the same username and password for them all...some requre a certain amount of characters, and sometimes my username is already taken. There are days I just sit and put in the wrong usernames over and over because I forget which one is for that site. Heck, even when I know the username, I end up having to click the "Forgot Password?" link and get a new one, or a hint as to what it is. It's a hassle!

I was given the awesome opportunity to review the Internet Password Organizer, as soon as I got it, I opened it up and noticed I had plenty of room to write everything I needed. It's laid out like a address book, with the alphabet on the side of the pages so you can organize in alphabetical order and make it easy to find each site. I got the Ruby Red from the new Gem collection and it's so cute! I thought it was going to be smaller...but it's actually a decent size not too big and not too small (8.5 x 5.5 x 0.3 inches). I was worried I would have an issue with writing all the info I needed in there, but that's not an issue at all, plenty of room. As you can see in the picture there is a place for the web page, username, password and notes. I have everything together now, it's so much easier, especially when it's time to pay bills, thats when I get the most confused with my usernames and passwords. But usernames and passwords isn't the only thing the Internet Password Organizer keeps track of, it has a section for ISP Info, Home Network, License Manager (something Jeff is getting plenty of use out of...so I guess this is OURS instead of MINE lol), and a section for Notes. With 124 pages to put all kinds of passwords, and other stuff...you will never have to use the "Forgot Password?" feature again!!!

The Giveaway:
One of my lucky readers will get to win one of their own Internet Password Organizers in one of the Gem Collection colors of your choice!

Main Entry:
Go to Internet Password Organzer's site and then come back and tell me which color you would like to win. Please remember to leave your email address if it's not visible in your blogger profile. THIS ENTRY MUST BE DONE BEFORE ANY EXTRA ENTRIES!
Extra Entries: (Please leave seperate comment for each entry)
  • Follow me on Twitter  
  • Tweet this Giveaway using @monkey_mayhem (can do daily)  
  • Add my NEW Bloggy Button!!! (isn't it adorable?!?!?!)  (If you are using Firefox, the button may not be on the sidebar, so you can go to this POST and snag the code there...sorry, still working on that)
  • Follow me on Google  
  • Sign up for my email feed through Feedburner 
  • Blog about this giveaway  
  • Favorite me on Technorati (I added that button under my Twitter button)  
  • Become a fan of Monkey Mayhem on Facebook (button on my left sidebar)

This giveaway will end on September 22nd @ 11pm EST

Good Luck!!


Kisha said... 1

I definitely need one of those!

Mamoy said... 2

I need it! Loved to have the Saphire...

*Kim* said... 3

I love this! I can never keep them all straight. I'm really into green lately so I'd have to go with the green one.


*Kim* said... 4

I follow on Google :)


Rita M said... 5

Emerald for me!

Anonymous said... 6

THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! I'd love one in RUBY RED so that it will be easy to find.


mverno said... 7

emerald green to match my eyes mverno@roadrunner.com

Terra Heck said... 8

I'd like to win it in the ruby color. Thanks.

Terra Heck said... 9

I follow your blog.

Sellswifey said... 10

i would pick blue!

Mommy 2 Bears said... 11

I would choose ruby.

Mama Writes said... 12

I'd love a blue one! mamawrites507 at gmail dot com

Mama Writes said... 13

I follow you on Twitter (mamawrites) mamawrites507 at gmail dot com

Mama Writes said... 14

I am a Facebook fan! mamawrites507 at gmail dot com

Cinthia said... 15

This is fantastic!! I definitely need one of these. I would get the emerald green one.


Linda Kish said... 16

I would choose ruby red

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said... 17

I follow on google reader

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Aldo M said... 18

Ha, Exactly what I needed.

a2theizzle at yahoo dot com

pamcallahan said... 19

I like the Emerald Green


Angela said... 20

I think the Sapphire is pretty!


shelley said... 21

I would love to have it in red it will be easy to find on my messy desk thanks.

Tammy said... 22

Boy could I use one of these. I like the color Emerald

Megan louise said... 23

I followed! xxmeglouisexx

Megan louise said... 24

i retweeted!


Miranda Ward said... 25

Sapphire Blue!

Anonymous said... 26

I like the sapphire blue

janetfaye said... 27

I would like the Ruby color.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 28

I follow on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 29

I follow - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 30

Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said... 31

Facebook Fan - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Ludmilochka said... 32

I would love to have it in red color! Enter me!

idahomom said... 33

Saphire Blue please

Vanilla said... 34

I would love to have it in Ruby Red color! Enter me!

Brooke said... 35

The Sapphire... All lovely gem colors but that the one that would stand out for me..

Happi Shopr said... 36

I like the Ruby Red one. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

crystal said... 37

What a great idea. I wondered if these existed!! My color choice would be Blue.

crystal said... 38

I am an email subscriber

Tammy said... 39

I would like to win the blue one.

susansmoaks said... 40

i want to win the blue one!

Kathy P said... 41

i like the green :)

Kathy P said... 42


Anonymous said... 43

Nedd to keep track of my many many passwords

Megan louise said... 44

I would like the blue!


Megan louise said... 45



Megan louise said... 46


Congratulations, megan stiller
You are now following Monkey Mayhem


Donna said... 47

I would like the ruby one.

Donna said... 48

I put your button on my blog.

Donna said... 49

I faved you on technorati.(donnak4)

Donna said... 50


Anonymous said... 51

I would love to win the Sapphire. garrettsambo@aol.com

takisha a. said... 52

I would choose emerald.


/\Heather/\ said... 53

Emerald Green is my choice. Pretty!

lilyk said... 54

I would choose Sapphire.

lilyk said... 55

I signed up for your email feed.

lilyk said... 56

I became your Facebook fan.

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