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I'm working and working on reviews and giveaways that need done. I have a lot of stuff going on at home with the kids' and their school with meetings. Please be patient and know that I'm not gone. Please keep checking back for new stuff!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Seventh Generation (review/giveaway)

I've been trying to be more eco friendly, so when offered the chance to review Seventh Generation I jumped on it! I opted to review their Natural Baby Starter Kit for Jaxon.

When I got the Natural Baby Starter Kit I was so excited, in it was:
  • 1 package of chlorine free diapers (we got the size 1)
  • Tub Chlorine-Free Baby Wipes
  • Chlorine-Free Baby Wipes Refill
  • Natural Baby Laundry Detergent
  • Instead of the Reusable Tote that was supose to come (don't know why we didn't get it though), we got natural all purpose cleaner and 100% recycled paper towels

My first instinct for some odd reason is to open the diaper package first, I had to see what chlorine free diapers looked like...and boy was I suprised to pull out a brown diaper (not a bad surprise). It was simple, no characters or any type of design at all, which in all honesty, I don't see a point in having designs on diapers when they are covered by pants and get peed on anyways right? When I put one on Jaxon he looked cute in a little brown diapers and they fit nicely on him. Jaxon is a belly sleeper though, and I think most diapers are designed to absorb in the back for babys who sleep on their back, so these diapers actually leaked for us, but it could have been because of how he sleeps. This was when he would only sleep a few hours at a time too, so it would leak pretty quickly. I've read other reviews and I never seen another person who had this problem, so maybe my baby just peed a lot...who knows.

The next thing was the baby wipes, I liked those, they didn't have a smell, and they cleaned poop up pretty well, just like I'd expect a wipe to do lol. They were the pop-up kind so when you pulled one wipe out, another would be right behind it so it was easy to grab wipe after wipe. The refil pack had one of those resealable tabs on the top so you could use the wipes straight out of there or tear it open and put them in the tub when you ran out.

This is the 1st time I've ever used all natural laundry detergent, so I was especially curious about it. I have to say, I'm in LOVE with it! I have to tell you this story, I know if you come to my blog often you see Jaylin carrying her "baby" (the puffalump duck) and she was about to start school and I had to wash the dirty little thing because she carries it EVERYWHERE and I hardly ever get a chance to wash it (trust me, the whole time I was washing it, she was crying for it!) I put it in a pillowcase and threw it in the washer with some of the Seventh Generation All Natural Baby Laundry Detergent and boy when I got it out, I hadn't seen it THAT clean since it was new (Christmas of 2007 I think lol) No harsh smell, no harsh chemicals or anything, and it come out looking better than when I wash it with regular detergent! Another funny story about the detergent...DON'T put it on your dryer, Jeff put it there for some odd reason (seriously, we have a shelf above the washer and dryer for that stuff!) and the dryer was on, we had just layed in bed when we heard a "THUMP" I layed there knowing something fell off the dryer but wasn't sure what...when I got up it was the Seventh Generation detergent and it was sitting on the floor...on its TOP, well what used to be the top. When it fell, it fell on the top, so the lid and all broke and went INSIDE the bottle and it was just sitting on the floor upside down. I picked it up and only a small puddle of the detergent had gotten out...but we were never able to get the lid out to be able to properly measure detergent again lol.

As for the paper towels and all purpose cleaner...I was also impressed with those! The recycled paper towels seemed to absorb a lot better than regular paper towels and the all purpose cleaner got up all of the kids messes on the kitchen table and counter as if it was nothing!

With the exception of the diapers, I'm really happy with the Seventh Generation products I got to try. But Seventh Generation makes a lot more than just baby products, they have regular laundry detergent (liquid and powder), different cleaners (surface, glass, etc), feminine care, dishwashing, and a lot more!
**Giveaway has ended, winner announced**
The Giveaway: One of my lucky readers will win a Natural Baby Starter Kit from Seventh Generation!

Main Entry: Head over to Seventh Generation and then come back here and tell me one of their products you have tried and like, or would like to try. (Don't forget to leave an email address for me to contact you)

Extra Entries: (for all extra entry methods and giveaway rules go HERE)
Giveaway will end on October 11 @ 11pm EST.


amiablerain said... 1

wow I bet any mother of a young infant would love this.
I have never seen all this stuff before that is eco friendly.Thats amazing.
Good luck to all the mommies.

Corie said... 2

I would definately want to try their Chlorine free bleach..."gets whites and colors their brightest without using chemicals containing chlorine. Free of dyes or fragrances." <--Sounds perfect! :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail dot com

Corie said... 3

Following Seventh Generation on Twitter
username - sexymamma23

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 4

I joined Seventh Generation Nation :D

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 5

Got your button on my blog at
(Blog Roll-scrolling)

Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway, and the great review on Seventh Generation- I am more and more eager to try their products now. Hope I win this, it'd be perfect for my lil man!! :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 6

Following you on Twitter :) (sexymamma23)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 7

Fan of Monkey Mayhem on FB :) *Corie R*

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 8

Following you via Google Friend Connect :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 9

Added you to my favorites on Technorati :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 10

Subscriber via email :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 11

http://frug-a-holic.blogspot.com/2009/10/great-blogs-great-giveaways.html <-- Blogged about this fabulous giveaway at my blog :D

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

Corie said... 12

http://twitter.com/sexymamma23/status/4613009909 <--Tweeted :)

corieandnickolas at hotmail.com

5webs said... 13

I would love to try Seventh Generation's Chlorine-Free Maxi Pads.
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 14

I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter.
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 15

I am a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook.
Alicia Webster

5webs said... 16

I belong to Seventh Generation Nation
Alicia Webster

ChrisNY2 said... 17

I love Seventh Generation non-chlorine bleach.

chrisny2 at aol dot com

ChrisNY2 said... 18

I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter @chrisny2

chrisny2 at aol dot com

ChrisNY2 said... 19

I'm a seventh generation facebook fan. (Christopher thiemann)

ChrisNY2 said... 20

I'm an email subscriber to your blog.

chrisny2 at aol dot com

ChrisNY2 said... 21

I follow your blog on google.

chrisny2 at aol dot com

ChrisNY2 said... 22

I follow you on Twitter @chrisny2

chrisny2 at aol dot com

5webs said... 23

I tweeted this giveaway.
Alicia Webster

dor said... 24

I would to try the natural dish liquid. My hands are so sensitive to other products. Hope I can leave a link to a contest that is almost over...GO and enter:


dorcontest at gmail dot com

slb3334 said... 25

Natural laundry detergent.

Cmath said... 26

I would love to try Kitchen Cleaner — Wild Orange & Cedar Spice. The scent sounds wonderful. Thanks!

Anonymous said... 27

I love their kitchem cleaner. I just got done using it! LOL


karenmed409 said... 28

Haven't tried these yet, I would like to try the Carpet Cleaner & Spot Remover
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said... 29

following SeventhGen on twitter

karenmed409 at comcast dot net

karenmed409 said... 30

tweeted http://twitter.com/karenmed409/status/4617598628

karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said... 31

I would love to try the bleach
my daughter is 11 weeks now and I am afraid to use bleach and she has ruined justy about everything she wears with stains. Little spit up queen

Aileen said... 32

I'm using the Automatic Dishwashing Powder and really like it. I feel better using this stuff because I don't feel like I'm leaving my dishes coated with a chemical residue.


itsme said... 33

i have used a few of their products. I was using their powdered laundry detergent for a while and liked that

itsme said... 34

followin g 7th gen on twitter

stOOpidgErL said... 35

I haven't tried them yet because my baby girl won't be here until December but I would love to try their diapers and wipes! I've heard such great things about them.

stOOpidgErL said... 36

I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter (stoopidgerl)

itsme said... 37

7th gen facbook fan

stOOpidgErL said... 38

I am a Seventh Generation Facebook fan (Kim Ripley)

itsme said... 39

joined the nation

itsme said... 40

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4619097133 tweet

itsme said... 41

follow you on twitter

itsme said... 42

got your button http://clarissaneiding.blogspot.com/2009/10/baby-body-wash-and-lotion.html

itsme said... 43

google follower

itsme said... 44

get email feed

itsme said... 45

technorati faved

itsme said... 46

facebook fan of monkey

jlmk said... 47

I use their recycled paper towels and toilet paper. I really can't tell the difference with the tp, but the the paper towels aren't as absorbent, but I still find them worthwhile.

ali said... 48

Oh, this would be a lovely gift for the parents of the baby I am carrying. <3

I like their recycled tissue! :D

THANK YOU! atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net

mchakir said... 49

I have used the tampons(TMI)!!! lol
mchakir2008 at hotmail.com

mchakir said... 50

I follow your blog
mchakir2008 at hotmail.com

April said... 51

I'd like to try the Chlorine Free Baby Wipes.


mscoffee77 said... 52

I have tried the dish soap & really liked it. I would also like to try the laundry detergent.


Laurah said... 53

I would love to try the Free and Clear Natural Glass and Surface cleaner.

carol said... 54

I'd love to try the Natural fabric softener sheets

carol said... 55

facebook fan of seventh generation

degood said... 56

I have tried their baby wipes and I really like those since they don't seem to make my daughter break out in a rash like the other brands.


degood said... 57

I follow 7th generation on twitter as kmayans


Heather said... 58

I've tried and loved their Chlorine Free Baby Wipes!

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Susan said... 59

The Chlorine free bleach would be for me. I love using bleach but can't stand the smell and what it does to me skin.


Jeanine said... 60

i'd like to try the natural laundry liquid.

Jeanine said... 61

7th gen fb fan

Anonymous said... 62

Seventh Generation laundry detergent is the best, we love it at our house. I've never used their bathroom tissue and it's one of the things on my list to convert to. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said... 63

i've wanted to try their wipes forever! i love chlorine free!

autumn398 @ yahoo.com

itsme said... 64

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4639101603 daily tweet

Anonymous said... 65

I'd love to try the White Flower and Bergamot Citrus 2x's laundry detergent.

hebert024 at aol dot com

Rachel said... 66

I know it may not be an incredibly interesting choice, but I've been looking for some more eco-friendly trash bags, and am happy that Seventh Gen's LARGE version contain 80% recycled plastic!


tomato said... 67

I'd like to try the carpet cleaner.

hanovertomato at yahoo dot com

Deborah Wellenstein said... 68

I want to try the Dishwasher Pacs. Thanbks!

Ann said... 69

What an amazing giveaway. I would love to try the delicate care laundry detergent. With 5 people in the family there's lots and lots of laundry and it would be great to wash all of this "green". THanks for the fantastic giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said... 70

I now follow seventh generation on twitter (username gunzie73)
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said... 71

I have your bloggy button on my sidebar: http://alatteinthemorning.blogspot.com
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said... 72

I follow you on google friends connect.
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Ann said... 73

I faved you on technorati (username gunzie)
ann dot guns at mac dot com

Anonymous said... 74

I'd like to try the chlorine free bleach.


darlanpaulsmamma said... 75

i would love to try the natural 2 concentrated Laundry liquid
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 76

fan of seventh generation on twitter as lovinmykiddos
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 77

fan of seventh generation on facebook as melissa barnes
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

darlanpaulsmamma said... 78

tweeted http://twitter.com/lovinmykiddos/status/4666644770
melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

KitchenGirlz said... 79

Would love to try the diapers and wipes for my #2 baby coming in December. Thanks for your in depth review and this giveaway opportunity.

KitchenGirlz said... 80

I am now following 7th Generation on Twitter



KitchenGirlz said... 81

Fan of 7th Generation on Facebook


Linda Kish said... 82

I would like to try the recycled trash bags

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

itsme said... 83

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4672781811 daily tweet

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 84

I would love to try the Wild Orange and Cedar Spice Kitchen Cleaner.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 85

I am following Seventh Generation on Twitter as jlsc123.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 86

I am a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 87

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 88

I am following via Google Friends Connect.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 89

I am subscribed via email.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 90

I have favored your blog on Technorati as jsc123.

llinda29 said... 91

I want to try Tub & Tile Cleaner — Emerald Cypress & Fir

Michele said... 92

Thank you for the giveaway. A brown diaper? That is pretty cool, I love the idea that they are chemical free.

I'd love to try the laundry detergent, it sounds much safer than the detergent in the stores.

itsme said... 93

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4693799807 daily tweet

itsme said... 94

http://twitter.com/cneiding/status/4713329893 daily tweet

Anonymous said... 95

Natural All Purpose Cleaner is what I would love to try!!
Effectively cleans and degreases hard surfaces both inside and outside your home. Excellent for wet mopping. Not recommended for use on wood floors.
I so need to try this!


Anonymous said... 96

I follow on Twitter as coolcanucks

Anonymous said... 97

I am already a Fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook! :)
(Heather Clouston-Diotte)


Anonymous said... 98

I have already previously signed up to join Seventh Generation Nation!

The link to prove it is here:


Anonymous said... 99

I tweeted!!



fidget said... 100

I really like their dish soap and have had great luck in the past with their diapers. Ive never tried the wipes or the detergent though

fidgetblogs at gmail dot com

Re said... 101

i'd like to try the maxi pads..for obvious reasons lol

Unknown said... 102

Friend of ours could use these.

erma said... 103

I'd like to try the laundry soap.

JulieMoe said... 104

I'd love to try their natural all purpose cleaner!

JulieMoe said... 105

Following on Twitter - julieMeagan

JulieMoe said... 106

Following you on Twitter - JulieMeagan

JulieMoe said... 107

Follow you on Google - ao7577

JulieMoe said... 108

Subscribe through Feedburner

Marianna said... 109

I'd like to try the Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

Marianna said... 110

I follow Seventh Gen on twitter @mannabsn

Anonymous said... 111

The Natural Laundry Detergent would be great for our soap sensitive family! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

Anonymous said... 112

id love to try the natural dish liquid


Anonymous said... 113

id love to try the natural dish liquid


Egare1 said... 114

I'd love to try the Automatic Dishwasher pacs! It'd be great to use something green in my dishwasher :)

Tinyblessing said... 115

I would like to try the kitchen cleaner!

Tinyblessing said... 116

Following on twitter as tinyblessing

Jinxy and Me said... 117

I like their fabric softener.

Jinxy and Me said... 118

I'm following them on Twitter. (My Twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy)

Jinxy and Me said... 119

I'm a Facebook fan.

Jinxy and Me said... 120

tweeted http://twitter.com/ThriftyJinxy/status/4778442004

mommyjen99 said... 121

I have tried there diapers and they are well made.

Anonymous said... 122

natural dish cleaner ty.

Anonymous said... 123

natural dish cleaner ty.

Janette said... 124

I love their natural dish liquid!

Janette said... 125

following seventh generation on twitter @jsoldham

Janette said... 126

joined Seventh Generation Nation, username: decadent


Fionen said... 127

I would like to try the Natural Dish Liquid.

fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

Fionen said... 128

I follow you on Twitter.
username: Fionen

Fionen said... 129

I subscribe via email:
fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

Fionen said... 130

Faved on Technorati
username: Fionen


Fionen said... 131

I'm your fan on Facebook.
ID: Fio Nen

Fionen said... 132

I follow you on Google.
username: Fionen
email: fionen_ftw AT fionen DOT com

Fionen said... 133

I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter.
username: Fionen

Fionen said... 134

I'm a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook.
ID: Fio Nen

Fionen said... 135

I joined the Seventh Generation Nation.

arla said... 136

100% Recycled Bathroom Tissue


arla said... 137

Following you on Twitter (id- litehouse27)

arla said... 138

Tweeted, http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/4781813541

Belinda M said... 139

I would like to try the Natural Glass & Surface Cleaner

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/


Belinda M said... 140

I follow SeventhGen on twitter as Prairiebelle

Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/


Belinda M said... 141



Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at http://forum.coolcanucks.ca/


Unknown said... 142

We use the Natural Dish Liquid


Kathy P said... 143

id love to try the Natural Powdered
Laundry Detergent

Kathy P said... 144

following sg on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said... 145

sg fan on facebook kathylpease

Kathy P said... 146


Rhonda Clemens said... 147

I have not tried any of the gree generation products, I would love to try any of the baby products or the dishwashing products, they products look great!!


Rhonda Clemens said... 148

I am a Seventh Generation follower on Twitter!!



~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 149

OMG!!! I would love to try Seventh Generation's Chlorine-Free Maxi Pads!!! Yay!!

Thanks for the chance!!

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 150

Following Seventh Generation on Twitter

Kelly g said... 151

I've tried the wipes and liked them

Metal Momma said... 152

I would love to try their wipes.

liliesrnice said... 153

I'd definitely like to try the chlorine free diapers and wipes!

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 154

I'd like to try the Natural Dish Liquid!


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 155

follow them on twitter as kngmckellar


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 156

facebook fan of them - gloria mckellar


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 157



Dawn Reid said... 158

I would to try the natural dish liquid.

Gabriel S-J. said... 159

I like the Natural laundry detergent.

Donna said... 160

I haven't tried it yet. I would like to try the laundry detergent.

Donna said... 161

I follow on twitter. (donnak4)

Donna said... 162

I joined the seventh generation nation.


I would love to try their Natural 2X Concentrated Laundry Soap!



Facebook fan of Seventh generation!




I follow you on google blogger!



Facebook Fan of Yours!



email subscriber of your feed through Feedburner !


Nancy S. said... 168

I would like to try the natural fabric softener sheets.
ncschools at yahoo dot com

Nancy S. said... 169

I follow 7th Generation on twitter - ncschools
ncschools at yahoo dot com

wantsandwishes said... 170

I have used their laundry detergent before. I liked it. I would also like to try the all purpose cleaner. I love cleaners you can use everywhere that way you don't have to have so many bottles.

lilyk said... 171

I would like to try the Kitchen Cleaner-Wild Orange & Cedar Spice.


lilyk said... 172
This comment has been removed by the author.
lilyk said... 173

I joined the Join Seventh Generation Nation. My profile URL is http://www.seventhgeneration.com/member/85452.


lilyk said... 174

I became a fan of Seventh Generation on Facebook.


Dani said... 175

I've tried the laundry detergent and like it.

flowerchild said... 176

i would love to try the Natural All Purpose Cleaner


Candie L said... 177

I would like to try the shower cleaner. Thank you


Ginger K. said... 178

I would like to try the Laundry detergent.


dvice12 said... 179

I like their diapers and wipes

Unknown said... 180

I love the diapers!

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